Australian Cooling Tower Compliance Services

Cooling Tower Audits

Cooling tower Risk Management Plans (RMPs) must be audited annually.  The audit addresses three issues: First, whether the RMP has been reviewed within the last 12 months. Second, whether the RMP addresses the 5 critical risks and lastly whether the RMP is being implemented.

In order to ensure that the audits are conducted with no conflict of interest, DHHS has deemed the following to be "interested people" who cannot audit an RMP:

  • The land or system owner;
  • The system manager;
  •  Anyone involved in constructing or installing the system;
  • Anyone involved in maintaining or testing the system; and
  •  Anyone who assisted in writing the RMP.

ACTCS has ensured its ability to undertake audits by ceasing all of the above precluded activities.  You can consequently be confident when using ACTCS as your RMP auditor that there will be no conflict of interest that puts you or the public at risk.